Hey everyone =]... Hope you are all doing ok. I had to make some time again to write this blog, but to be honest it is a bit to avoid doing work in the lab. It's one of those days that you cannot push yourself to do anything usefull at all! Pfff, I'm a bit bored, tired and lazy at the moment. So this will be a short one for a change :P. But let me start at the beginning. I met Nadiah at 10 for coffee like we agreed at Marlow, a nice coffee bar on the great court on campus. Had myself a really nice Iced coffee with cream, very bad for my figure. We were having so much fun talking about everything and found that we had one thing very much in common. Our passion for dancing! This tiny dancing queen is training almost every day of the week! While she also is doing her bachelor in Marine Biology!

Unbelievable, and I thought I was a busy one... Well coffee became lunch and at 1 I decided that I had really better head back to the laboratory to still make something of my day. She invited me to a party that thursday in the city. A party to celebrate the mexican independance day! Wednesday was a bit boring,thursday I took the day of to go to the beach! What a nice day! Brisbane was clouded but the shore was as sunny as it gets! Fish and chips is the best =]! At night it was mexican party time!! It was so much fun. Everyone was really going crazy, there were so many people you had to squeeze your way through. Nadia was there, Andres the Columbian dance master and a lot of other friends;

Nick, Johnny, Claire, Nadia, Maggie, Josh and probable some I am forgetting. There was a live band playing and there were performances of traditional mexican dances in between! With sombrero's and mustaches! So It was a night of corona's and tequila. I had just one of both. The music was so good I had been dancing all night with Nadiah and Andres!

They are both so much better then me... Pfff... Its hard to keep up! But Got a new goal now... Get as good as they are!! Friday was a relaxed day at work and quiet at night. Saturday I took the ferry into the city,

walked in the botanical gardens and took a stroll through the shopping streets.

Made myself a nice pasta (what else, its all I seem to be making these days...) And had an early night. Sunday was catching up on my literature reading. Monday it was work again. Linda came back from her housesitting at Kenmore so we cooked together and went out for icecream, tuesday was another day in the lab and I did some boxing at night. By the way, my trainer is a real Bogan ;P Something I learned. Another not nice word :P a sort of "tokkies" for the dutch people. They make the nice alliteration Bogan from Logan because a lot of those bogans live in the suburb Logan... ;P Weird Ozzies! Today wednesday Linda left for LA. So I'll have the place to myself for the next four weeks... Nice but boring. Nadiah was this week doing fieldwork at Heron Island, and Nick went to Samoa... Pff everyone is leaving for Islands and leaving me behind!! This week will be quiet, but it is good for me to come to my senses of all the travelling and partying. Find the Zen part of me again. Although i must say I prefer the adevnture and crazy people =]. Well At least I met a really nice girls at boxing practise; Emily, she is a florist and owns two shops in town. She actually offerd me a job! So I might come back as a practised florist! We could open a shop together Mama! ;)So this is the part where I really start to miss everyone in Holland. My peacefull evenings would otherwise be filled with friends and picknicks at westerpark, crazy parties and tea with my girlfirends... I miss you guys!!! But all is not lost! I'll be back! Don't forget that!
Kisses for everyone!!
2 opmerkingen:
Hi Lin,
ik wist helemaal niet dat je in Australiƫ zit! :) Wat leuk!
Ik houd je blog in de gaten, leuk om te lezen. Veel plezier daar!
gr. Remco
Geen updates meer? nu heb ik echt niets te doen op me werk.. lol.
Trouwens ik zag net je tweeling zus! echt niet normaal leek sprekend op je! had eigenlijk een foto moeten maken. :(
Anyway veel plezier daar nog en geniet van het lekker weer! hier is het al ergggg koud..
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